privacy policy

SS Academy Privacy Policy

Privacy and Security Policy

Shoots and Shoots Academy believes that security and privacy are guaranteed for all users. Our data protection agreement covers all the rights and benefits you need for safe browsing.

This data protection agreement contains clear information about how your data is recorded on the Shoot and Shoots Academy website. You will also learn how we protect and use the personal information we collect. However, all of the terms of this policy apply to the Shoot and Shoots Academy website. Unlinked sites are subject to our privacy and security policies.


Minors must conduct transactions of any kind on our website under the guidance of their parents or legal guardians. If we find a transaction is carried out by a minor, in such cases, Shoot and Shoots Academy reserves the right to impose data protection laws under piracy policy on parents or guardians.

Technical information Recorded & Promotional Email

By using our website, you provide us with information such as contact address, email address, telephone call, name, and other elements. This data is collected for legal and service purposes.

This technical information enables us to improve the service and quality of the website for users. However, we take full care of the security of the information we collect. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about unauthorised disclosure of information unless required by law. We do not sell your data to third parties.

We also collect email information that is used to provide you with a more personal service-related email message so you can remain informed about any future events or changes.

However, you may choose not to receive these emails. However, this option is only available for promotional material. SS Academy will continue to send you notifications regarding the management of your account and the renewal of your data or services.

Right to Modify the Piracy Policy

We have the right to change our privacy policy. We understand our responsibility to inform the user whenever we update our website’s privacy policy so that you can be aware of any changes. The updated policy changes will take effect within 30 days.

In this declaration of data protection, you agreed on the signup process, you also agreed to be okay with the changes and adjustments that we will make if necessary.

Contact Us

The protection and safety of these informative pieces are guaranteed by the use of advanced technology & system, if you have more questions about the privacy policy and security, do not hesitate to contact us.

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